Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Soccer Spirits Patch Notes (August 5th 2015)

August 5th Update Patch Note

Hi, it's Com2uS!

Here's the detail

■ Update Schedule

Aug. 5th 10pm - Aug. 6th 1am PDT

■ Update Details

1. Characters

● Shanti(Whirlwind) has been added to the draw.

- The name of the 3rd passive skill has been changed.
- Skill set (Evolved)
> (Ace) Wild Frontier II: Increases the attack power and HP of Whirlwind players by 30%
> (Active) Whirlwind Slam II : [Shoot] Increases attack power by 120% and critical damage by 40%
> (Passive 1) Wild Fire : Deals 25% additional damage to Ardor attribute
> (Passive 2) Sundering Wind : Increases the damage that the target receives by 20% and decreases its critical resistance by 20% for 10 min with a shoot. (Accumulates up to 2 times)
> (Passive 3) Aura of the Beast II : Increases the attack power and penetration within the position by 25%

● Black Ivy(Light) has been added to the draw.

- Skill set (Evolved) - [The skill set has been changed from what's displayed in the Player Book]
> (Ace) Trouble Travel II : Increases the attack power and max HP of Light and Dark players by 25%
> (Active) Perfect Plan II : [Strategy] Recovers 50% of the team HP and 40% of the action bar
> (Passive 1) Black Trick II : Increases the team's max HP by 5% and critical resist by 5% for 45 min with an action (Accumulates up to 8 times)
> (Passive 2) Sticky and Flammable Decreases the action speed by 30% and increases the incoming damage by 15% of the enemies within the position for 15 min.
> (Passive 3) Extort : Decreases the incoming damage by 70% and recovers 20% of the action bar with a steal.

● Some changes have been made to the illustration of Extreme Evolution Virgil(Light).

● The characters available at the event draw will change, and the following characters will have a greatly increased chance of being acquired during Aug. 9th - Aug. 22nd.
> Yuri(Ardor), Cynthia(Thunder), Shanti(Whirlwind), Black Ivy(Light), Ravian(Dark), Choi(Ardor, Legendary)

2. Features

● Users that have lost the Gold they should've earned by selling characters or Spirit Stones since the major update on Aug. 29th, have been paid back with double the amount of Gold that was lost.

● The ST and Gold reward for Club Check-ins will now be stored for 3 days.

● The 30 Day Crystal Pack will now be available for everybody regardless of their rank.

3. Balance

● The errors regarding the active skills of Khirel and Metatron will be fixed in an upcoming patch. There have been some additional issues found during the process of fixing the errors. An additional notice will be sent out regarding the newly found issues.

● The boss version Black Ivy will now be using the active skill lest often. This change has been made because of the changes made to the AI.

4. Bug Fixes

● The issue of the Spirit Stone properties being abnormally displayed after the properties have been reapplied has been fixed.
> The properties of the Spirit Stone that have displayed this issue will be restored during this week’s maintenance.

● The issue of characters locked in the scout menu disappearing under certain situations even though the cost of Crystals being properly paid, has been resolved.
> If you are experiencing this issue, please go to the 1:1 inquiry (option -> 1:1 inquiry) in the game.
Please state the date of when the issue happened and the character that has disappeared.
We will check the game log and restore the scout to the point right before the issue has occurred during the next maintenance.

● The issue of skin setting changes returning to the previous skin setting when server changes or game restarts occur has been resolved.

● The issue of the the Extreme Evolution skin being unselected when reopening the skin page after selecting the Extreme Evolution skin, has been resolved.

● The skill description error regarding the ace skills of Brett and Wayne has been fixed. (single attribute -> all attributes)

● Hiro's ace skill will now correctly indicate that the skill has effect on Light and Thunder players.

● The issue of a locked character automatically being unlocked when it is evolved while being in a locked state has been resolved.

● The issue of "Highest Level Champion Cleared" within the profile being set at the current champion's level has been resolved.

● The issue of managers with skills that increase your MAX BP also increasing your current BP under certain situations has been resolved.

● The issue of 3 draws resulting as winning a chapter at the story mode has been resolved.

● The issue regarding clear all type achievements with Unique Spirit Stone rewards has been resolved. Those that have not been able to complete the achievement will now be able to complete and get the reward.

● The issue of the cool time of the managers' active skills not being displayed properly has been resolved.

● The issue of the text of the reward collecting button over extending has been resolved.

Please check the maintenance schedule to avoid any inconvenient situations.
Food for Thought:
  • Shanti and Black Ivy is available in draw now.
  • Shanti's skill sets are very interesting, it seems like she's built for damage. If she gets an EE, she will compete with Beatrice.
  • Black Ivy's Ace is very useful for Light/Dark user since not everyone has Metatron. Active heal, team wide buff, position debuff, action bar heal and damage reduction when stealing make her very useful, especially in PvE.
  • Virgil's brilliance was lacking, so BigBall decided to make amend by adding more bling bling effect to his art.
Well, that's it. Not too shabby patch, but I'm hoping for more EE revelation in the upcoming patches.

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