Monday, July 27, 2015

Teamwork (Waifu?) Questions And Answers Spreadsheet

Teamwork System is the mechanism implemented for the first time in patch v1.16.2.

Occasionally, after a match you will be presented with a question from one of your player. The question will be random and each player's answer will be different most of the times. An answer can grant you +1 heart for good answer, +3 hearts best answer, or -1 heart for bad answer. Sometimes, a question only has good answer and bad answer without a best answer.

Do you notice the heart bar next to the player's level? The player's max HP will increase according to how many hearts you've collected. The maximum number is 30, so the max HP is increased by 30% when the hearts are full. Once a player's teamwork bar is maxed at 30%, they will never ask you any more questions.

This system is more or less similar to dating simulation game (or Visual Novel) where you need to pick the best answer to fill the hearts quicker. The difficult things are sometimes you can't just guess which is the best answer. Some players are masochist (I think?) because when you disagree or insult them results in best answer. Fortunately, there is a google spreadsheet to help you.

Without further ado, here you go:

Teamwork/Waifu Options

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